Seasonal update- winter! 

We are officially in the winter season. Right now we are in the middle of a seasonal point called Heavy Snow (大雪), this two week seasonal point will bring us right up to the winter solstice. Winter is the most Yin season in TCM, with winter solstice next week being peak Yin energy. 

(If you are new here, I love giving patients insights into where we are in terms of the 24 seasonal points we have in TCM. Each of these seasonal points is two weeks long and can give us insight on how to best care for ourselves, what to eat, etc.) 

Ok so, heavy snow. Not quite in Minnesota? But a little bit would be nice before Christmas! 

Winter profile: 

  • organs- Kidney + Urinary Bladder

  • element- water

  • flavor- salty 

  • sense organ- ears 

  • emotion- fear

  • spirit- zhi- willpower, confidence, belief in oneself 

  • color- black, blue black

Food therapy:

warming, Yang tonifying, foods that are black or dark blue in color - root vegetables, black sesame, beef, bone broth, ginger, garlic. 

Lifestyle notes:

  • fun movement outside! walk around the lakes in this bright, cold weather. outdoor winter activities like paddle tennis, skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snow ball fights, sledding. 

  • keep mid/low back and bottoms of feet covered and cozy- warm socks (no barefeet on cold floors inside, this is especially important for women) and undershirts/extra layers to cover and keep Kidneys warm. 

  • rest, rest, rest. go to bed early, get extra sleep, slow down, go inward, reflect, journal, meditation, reading, baths, cozy comfy nights at home. 

  • stay hydrated with mineral water to support Kidney and Urinary Bladder (Gerolsteiner is my all time favorite) 

I know my fellow Minnesotans low key love this time of year. And I love you for that. Stay cozy <3

*The information contained on this website/page is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide a diagnosis or substitute for medical, nutritional or acupuncture advice or treatment. Any reference to or mention of any particular diagnoses or dysfunctions is intended for informational purposes only and not an attempt to diagnose your particular problems. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medicine or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a health problem.


Winter solstice


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